Upgrade your guest's experience!

InArt Resort Services helps high-end resorts differentiate themselves by enveloping guests in a beautiful art experience. We curate art from the Santa Fe and greater Southwest art community and harmonize it with the aesthetic signature of your property.


InArt Resort Services prides itself on providing an alternative to traditional hotel décor. Instead, the company chooses to incorporate high-quality fine art into the resort’s design. This approach is designed to create a unique and luxurious ambiance that elevates the guest experience.

Immersive artisic experience

The incorporation of fine art allows the resort to offer an authentic and immersive cultural experience to guests. InArt Resort Services offers a range of art collections that cater to different tastes, preferences, and design styles. This ensures that the artwork is well-suited to the resort’s ambiance and design.

One of the unique features of InArt Resort Services is the revenue share model. This model allows the resort to earn a share of the revenue from art sales. This provides a significant financial incentive for the resort to incorporate fine art into its design. By earning a percentage of art sales, the resort is motivated to showcase the artwork prominently, which enhances the guest experience.

InArt Santa Fe 219 Delgado Street Santa Fe, NM 87501 tel. 505.983.6537

revenue Share

InArt Resort Services’ focus on high-quality fine art and a revenue share model makes it an attractive choice for resorts looking to differentiate themselves from competitors and elevate the guest experience.

InArt Santa Fe 219 Delgado Street Santa Fe, NM 87501 tel. 505.983.6537